African Elections News

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Provisional Results- 158 out of 230 constituencies

Provisional Results, from 158 out of 230 constituencies: NPP-3,154,165 (49.41%), NDC-3,229,908 (50.59%)as at 3:41hrs GMT www.twi…

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NDC/NPP suppoters in early celebrations.....

Reports reaching Meanwhile, our reporters can confirm there is a massive presence of NPP Supporters at the party head office anx…

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Voter turn Out low

As voting continues, queues at various polling stations across the country are reported to be far less in numbers than the Decemb…

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First Lady reported as an Election Observer

The First Lady Mrs. Theresa Kuffour has reported as election observer.

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Former President Rawlings Casts Vote

The former president Jerry Rawlings has cast his vote at the PWD Annex in the Osu Klottey Constituency. In a short interview with…

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Voting progresses steadily across the country

Voting in Ghana Presidential run-off continues steadily across the country. Visit to various polling stations www.africanelectins…

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Voting starts at various polling stations across the country

According to our correspondents across the country voting has started at various polling stations while some stations are yet to …

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Youth at Oguaa jubilate over runoff results

Supporters of both the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and National Democratic Congress (NDC), mostly the youth, jubilated on the stree…

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TurnOut Expected to be low

As voters gather across the country to cast their vote in the runoff, queues are not as long as the December 7 elections

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Trouble-maker Nearly Lynched

A man who allegedly tried to run away with the thumb-print ink pad at a polling station at Atimatim in the Ashanti Region was nea…