African Elections News

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President elect must move beyond the partisan politics- Domestic Observers

The Coalition of Domestic Election Observers (CODEO) has called on the president-elect, when sworn in, to move quickly beyond the…

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“Put Ghana First”- Mr. K.B Asante

Veteran Politician and former diplomat Samuel K.B. Asante has cautioned yet to be chosen president-elect not to allow himself to …

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Judge asks NPP to serve EC and NDC - The Presidential run off injunction case

An Accra fast track court, with Justice Amoako Asante presiding, has ordered the New Patriotic Party(NPP) and its chairman, Peter…

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Ghana's election a bright spot in Africa

Ghana tested its reputation as a bulwark for democracy in a region that is increasingly beset with political instability as voter…

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Press Statement from the NDC on NPPs Ex-parte injunction

Press Statement from the National Democratic Congress on the attempt to obtain an Ex-parte injunction to prevent the declaration …

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NPP Agents signed statement of polls in Volta - NDC

The Volta Region Branch of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) said New Patriotic Party (NPP) Agents were not molested and th…

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Are we in for a long haul- the road to 7th January 2009?

Today is the first day of the year 2009, all things being equal, Ghana's newly elected president should be having a new year…

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The Tain District - geographic info

The Tain District was carved out of the Wenchi District in June 2004. It is situated at the North West of Sunyani (Brong Ahafo Re…

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NPP supporters demonstrate in Kumasi while in Accra supporters march on EC office

Supporters of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in Kumasi today (Wednesday) held a peaceful demonstration, calling on the Electoral C…

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Ghana Elections :Trade Union Congress Commends EC

The Trades Union Congress (TUC) on Wednesday commended the Electoral Commission for the matured manner in which it has handled th…