African Elections News

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Yea Mna
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Results of Tain Constituency to determine next President

The winner of 2008 Presidential Election Runoff would be determined after voting in the Tain Constituency on Friday, Dr Kwadwo Af…

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NMC cautions Media against inflammatory broadcast

The National Media Commission (NMC) on Tuesday urged all radio and television stations, in the national interest, to desist from …

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No Winner in Ghana's 2008 elections, there is the need for auditing of results from Ashanti and Volta region and the constit…

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NDC supporters jubilant ,while NPP supporters in a reflective mood

Various reactions have greeted the EC, announcement of the delay in announcing the winner of Sunday’s presidential run-of…

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Be calm-President Kufour

President Kufour has appealed to all Ghanaians, especially the supporters of the NPP and the NDC, to remain calm and wait patien…

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Ghanaians still wait anxiously for release of presidential results as shops closes across the country

Currently underway at the Electoral Commission(EC) head office in Accra is a marathon meeting by the Chair of EC, representatives…

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Election won in blood - Ghanaian Times Editorial

For a nation that was touted by observers, both local and foreign, for conducting a most credible election only three weeks ago, …

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No room for vendetta – Mills declares

Prof. John Evans Atta Mills, presidential candidate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has said there would be no room fo…

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President Kuffour asked for calm and restrain - As Ghanaians wait for final results

Ghanaians asked to be patient for the Electoral Commission to perform its constitutional duty in releasing the final results of D…

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Ahiable urges NDC supporters to be sober and reflective

Mr Modestus Ahiable, Volta Regional Chairman of National Democratic Congress (NDC) on Monday urged supporters and sympathisers of…