Miss Georgina Opoku Amankwa, Kumasi Metropolitan Director of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), on Friday advised the electorate to report at their various polling stations on time to enable them to easily cast their votes on …"> African Elections | Electorate advised to be punctual on voting Day
Electorate advised to be punctual on voting Day

Miss Georgina Opoku Amankwa, Kumasi Metropolitan Director of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), on Friday advised the electorate to report at their various polling stations on time to enable them to easily cast their votes on 7 December.

She also advised the electorate against double voting unless under proxy, which should be arranged with any Electoral Commission (EC) office at least three months to voting.

Miss Amankwa was speaking at a sensitization forum in Kumasi, organised by the NCCE for identifiable groups in the metropolis to ensure peaceful elections.

The groups, mostly youth clubs which included representatives of some political parties, were targeted for the programme because young people were considered vulnerable to violence.

Miss Amankwa explained that the voting time, between 7am and 5pm would not be extended by the EEC, unless for a legitimate reason to be considered by the Commission.

She urged the youth to exercise their franchise peacefully since it was the only way to elect their favourite parliamentary and presidential candidates.

Miss Amankwa cautioned leaders of political parties not to instigate the youth to cause violence.

She asked agents of the various political parties who would be assisting on 7 December not to obstruct the work of EC Officials.

Miss Amankwa also advised presiding officers not to sign for party agents when they refuse to do so after collating the voting results.

Participants charged the NCCE to be up and doing at all times but not only during elections.

They appealed to government to provide enough resource to the Commission to enable staff work effectively.

Participants also called on parents to advise their children less than 18 years not to vote.