News Category: Presidential Elections

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DFP to launch manifesto

The Democratic Freedom Party (DFP), will launch its manifesto in Accra on October 11, 2008 to coincide with the introduction of i…

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ANLO NPP passes vote of no confidence in MCE

The polling Station Chairmen in the Anlo Constituency have passed 'a vote of no confidence' in the Municipal Chief Exec…

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EC Chief says government provides extra funds for electoral process

Dr. Kwadwo Afari-Gyan, Chairman of the Electoral Commission (EC) of Ghana on Thursday noted that though the EC incurred extra cos…

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ICT key for effective election reportage-ICT expert

The use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) tools by the media is crucial to ensuring effective reportage in the Decemb…

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NDC to establish Savannah Development Fund

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) said it would establish Savanah Development Fund, which would take care of the development…