News Category: Presidential Elections

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Editors Forum, Ghana, to organize symposium on peaceful elections

The Editors Forum, Ghana (EFG) would on October 31, organize a symposium on the role of political parties in the attainment of a …

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Nine filed to contest Asante Akim North and South seats

Nine Parliamentary Aspirants have filed their nomination papers to contest the Asante Akim North and South seats as at the close …

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CPP is for peace and development, says Nduom

The presidential candidate of the Convention Peoples Party (CPP), Dr. Paa Kwesi Nduom, has appealed to the electorate to vote bac…

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NDC disputes NPP claims on the economy

Forum for Setting the Records Straight, a unit created by the National Democratic Congress (NDC) to correct wrong information on …

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Parliament condemns executive for flouting constitution

The executive arm of government today came under heavy criticism from Parliament for failing to bring mining lease agreement ente…