News Category: Presidential Elections

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Parliament gives nod to 13 nominees

Parliament on Tuesday approved the nomination of 13 Ministers of State, including Ms Hannah Tetteh, nominee for the Trade and Ind…

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Ghana’ Oil ‘find,proceed with caution- ISODEC/ Oxfam

Two organisations on Wednesday called for the right institutions and transparent policies to be put in place before the productio…

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DCE says Ghanaians have duty to sustain political tolerance

Mr. Frank Marcellus K. Busumtwi, Birim Central Municipal Chief Executive, has said Ghanaians have a duty to work for the sustenan…

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Court of Appeal to hear Asutifi South election petition

The Court of Appeal (CA) will on Tuesday hear an appeal application brought before it by the Electoral Commission (EC) challengin…

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Electoral Commission doubts Woyongo´s claim

The Electoral Commission says it would be strange for someone to transfer his or her vote from its IT department outright.