News Category: Presidential Elections

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Europeans to observe December 7 elections

An Election Observation Mission (EOM) from the European Union (EU) is to observe Ghana’s presidential and parliamentary e…

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Timber Market NDC office commissioned

An office of the National Democratic (NDC) Was inaugurated on Wednesday at the Timber Market in the Odododiodioo Constituency in …

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The Ghanaian Political Parties,Manifestos, the Electorate and The Realities

A party'spolicy and principles are guided by its ideology and philosophy. The choice between parties and candidates is ideal…

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DFP reduce maternal and child mortality

Ms Patience Ameku, Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) presidential running mate, on Thursday promised to improve the healthcare deliv…

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NDC Rolls out Positive Agenda for Women Development

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has rolled out an agenda for women empowerment, promising to deal decisively with the soci…