News Category: Presidential Elections

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No protest about minor voting in Wa Central Constituency-– Electoral Officer

Public outcry about large numbers of minorÂ’s registration in the Voters Register had not manifested in the just ended gene…

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OPEN MORE POLLING STATIONS - For presidential run-off, Elections Task Force urges

The National Elections Security Task Force has suggested the opening of more polling stations to reduce the tension and conflict …

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I Scored Zero at my polling station- according to RPD Presidential Candidate

THE Presidential candidate of the Reform patriotic Democratic (RPD) Mr. Kwabena Agyei has said he failed to obtain any vote at th…

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NPP cajoles Nduom

The NPP is in talks with the flag-bearer of the CPP for a possible partnership as the party gears up for a run-off on December 28.

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CPP- No alliance yet with NDC or NPP

The Convention PeopleÂ’s Party (CPP) said it had not yet aligned itself to any of the parties in the December 28, run-off.