African Elections News

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Test Wins Polls


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NPP accuses NDC of plagiarism

Peter Mac Manu, National Chairman of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), accused the has National Democratic Congress (NDC) of …

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Britain provides one million dollars towards Election 2008

The British Government has provided one million dollars towards Election 2008 to ensure peaceful, free and fair Presidential and …

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A PNC Government would extend school feeding programme to all schools -- Dr Mahama

Dr Edward Mahama, Flag bearer of People’s National Convention (PNC) has indicated that a PNC Government would extend the …

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Test Wins Polls


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Test Wins Polls


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NPP and NDC have nothing new to offer--Nduom

Dr Paa Kwesi Nduom, the Convention Peoples Party (CPP) flagbearer, on Wednesday reiterated that the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and…

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Ketu-South MP calls for loyalty to the NDC

Mr Albert Zigah, Member of Parliament (MP) for Ketu-South, on Tuesday launched his campaign for re-election with a call on the e…

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EU delegation calls for peaceful elections

The European Union (EU) has called for the conduct of free, fair and peaceful elections in the country.

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Dr Mahama commends victims of Gusheigu conflict

Dr Edward Mahama, presidential candidate for the People’s National Convention (PNC) has commended the victims of the rece…