African Elections News

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Yea Mna
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CPP to push for round two

The Presidential candidate of the Convention People’s Party (CPP), Dr Paa Kwesi Nduom, has predicted a second round of el…

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Frances Essiam=NDC=DFP=NPP

The Second Vice Chairman of the Democratic Freedom Party, Frances Awurabena Essiam has defected to the ruling New Patriotic Party…

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Dr Mahama: I won the debate

The presidential candidate of the People’s National Convention (PNC), Dr Edward Mahama, has claimed victory in Wednesday&…

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Presidential candidates pledge peace

All the Presidential candidates and running mates of political parties contesting the December polls today declared their commitm…

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NPP foot soldiers to work for victory

Mr Eddie Teye, Founder and Leader of the Danquah-Busia Foot Soldiers Welfare Association (D-BFOSWA), has expressed the need for m…

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NDC vows to win Asante-Akim North seat

The Asante-Akim North constituency of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has vowed to wrest the seat from the New Patriotic P…

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NPP urges members not to vote skirt and blouse


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Students asked to ensure peace during elections

The Director of Public Education of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), Mr Kwaku Baah Owusu has asked tertiary st…

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A Platform for Platitudes…?

For nearly three hours, the four presidential candidates representing the four parliamentary parties endured the heat from the TV…

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Election fever grips Ghana

Ghanaians go to the polls on 7 December to elect a new president and a new parliament. President John Kufuor, having served two t…